Snowed In❄️ Perfect Day to Get Back to Work!

 The baby is out and I’m back! And what better day to get back on track than a snow day when there’s really no reason to step outside the house other than exercise. So I haven’t posted since September. For those who have been following me you know that I’ve been preparing for the birth of my second son. In my last post I spoke about preparing my teenage son who lives with autism for the arrival of his new sibling. There was a lot of anxiety surrounding this change. I took many steps to prepare my son for our new family member, which also helped ease my mind.

Well it was all worth it. Jay has done so well acclimating to his new sibling. And although it has been double the work it is definitely worth it to see his little beautiful face. But now I’m ready to get back to writing and talking autism, parenting and just life in general when you’re raising children.

I will write more about how the adjustment went later on just wanted to say hi and share the view from our window. Have fun out there snow bunnies.


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